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- " On the first day after Christmas, 1844, a double wedding ceremony was held at the recentl y founded Amaziah church uniting two of the daughters of John and Rachel Boatner with two McC auley cousins from the Bethlehem community in Marshall Co. Elijah McCauley was the one who st ood with Mary Boatner. He was born in 1823 in Franklin Co Miss., orphaned as a youth when par aents John and Mary McCauley, NC natives, died, and had then joined his uncle Samuel McCaule y in Marshall Co. John Boatner eventually gave his son-in-law 200 acres to farm and live on i mmediately north of his own home. Elijah McCauley served 2 1/2 years as a corporal with the 7 th Miss. Cav. til the regiment was surrenderd near Mobile in May 18??. Descendents recall tha t he and his wife raised their children according to the most rigid fundamentalist principles . In 1874, at 51, he finally "went public" with his reverence, being then ordained a Methodis t minister. Early in 1880 they were induced by their son to give up their beloved but unrewar ding land and join him in Ft Smith, Arkansas. From then until 1895 they assisted him with hi s grocery and orchardist pursuit there, then moved with him and their surviving daughter t o a small acreage and grocery at Morrilton, Arkansas. Elijah McCauley died there on his 54t h weddign anniversary and Mary Ann was buried beside him in Elmwood Cemetery, Morrilton, in 1 903" per the family group sheet sent by Leigh Dillard